Quarantine, I'm sure nobody has ever heard this word before coronavirus came.

Currently, every individual is mindful of this phrase, I'd say it is in trend.

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

Do not get stressed if you have to quarantine yourself for 14-17 days due to coronavirus. It's like a house arrest where one is not supposed to go out and socialize with others, but make this quarantine duration motivating.

Though, an individual can make this period unusual and loving by doing different stuff. Try several activities, go online to learn something new, explore yourself, the whole time is yours.

Channelizing energy in positive things is essential.

Become your better version, smile more frequently appreciate creatures around you be more grateful.

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

1. Reading books

2. Yoga benefits reviving your health

3. Meditation gives you strength and peace of mind, oxygenating the body 

4. Clean your room every day

5. Soaking up a moderate amount of sun each day 

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

6. Do Your Laundry 

7. Have vitamin C regularly

8. Surfing your favorite website

9. Watching motivational videos on YouTube

10. Watch a comedy-drama online

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

11. Listening to Music

12. Try Knitting

13. Try making an embroidery 

14. Make your meal plan for 14 days

15. Drink a variety of juices every  signal day

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

16. Have lots of fresh fruits every day

17. Have green vegetables and lentils, eating in a balanced and mindful way

18. Soak a variety of dry fruits every night have them in the morning

19. Keep an indoor plant in your space to purify the air

20. Learn the language online all this quarantine period

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

21. Video call with your acquaintance and loved ones

22. Write a handwritten letter about yourself

23. Try online tutorials about makeup, hairstyle, home decor, etc.

24. Write about your desires

25. Declutter useless stuff 

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

26. Make a list of all the things you want in this life

27. Make a shopping list which you are going to do after your quarantine period is over

28. Plan holidays after your quarantine period is over

29. Learn something new

30. Plan a dinner with your family or friends once your quarantine period get over 

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

31. Go crazy, but don't get bored

32. Color a coloring book

33. Lit an aroma candle

34. Take a nap

35. Make your bed every day

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

36. Declutter your wardrobe

37. Try audiobooks 

38. Drink adequate water when required

39. Make a list of all the stuff you have got

40. Write about your dream vacation destination

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

41. Make your face scrub with the help of home ingredients

42. Create your playlist

43. Look through old pictures

44. Look outside the window and observe the surrounding

45. Smile more often 

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

46. Take a warm water bath and add some liquid Dettol to it

47. Try cooking, make something healthy

48. Make a list of your favorite things

49. Watch your favorite childhood movie 

50. Write What do you miss more in your quarantine period 

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

51. Add sprouts to your meal plan

52. Have a Zoom party with your comrades 

53. Live your life to the fullest, not like a corona sufferer

54. Relive ur moment and write about it

55. Write about your hobbies 

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

56. Get dressed every day, it should not be in a nighttime outfit also appreciate your attempt each day

57. Play sudoku, word search, puzzle, etc to exercise and sharpen your brain or some other sport that arouses the maximum 

58. Revamp your social media feed

59. Make a vision board

60. Read an informative article 

63 Easy Things to do when Bored in Quarantine

61. Watch a documentary 

62. Make a card for someone special 

63.  Love yourself, remind yourself each day how beautiful and important you are 


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